Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lost Pyramid Found Buried in Egypt

The pyramid of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh has been rediscovered after being buried for generations, archaeologists announced today..........

National Geographic News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During that era noted as the fall of Man … in this era record must also include the almost a countless number of Pyramid shaped Power Facilities also falling from their High Celestial places….

it was also during this time that many of these Ancient Pyramid objects showed themselves in their Gleaming Colorful and Light Weight Exotic materials as each seemed to just float in mid air in their downward decline and dis-placement.

Each giant Pyramid Structure contained a Mystic Glowing Eye which was a Field of Highly accelerated Plasma Energy roaring of a great power as the Pyramid's Eye generating it's steady glow of Light. These Mystic Eye-lets being just one of the Pyramid's power Facilities, had become contaminated causing a fall in their accelerated marc of Quantum Frequency.

It was such a contamination of Eye-let Plasma Cores and their associated mass core that caused Colonies of Worlds to fall from High Celestial places.

Several falling Pyramid Facilities lowered themselves and their attached Land-scape from upper positions to settle richly flourishing soil atop the crust of Earth's newly evolving surface.

Other Facilities with contaminated Power Facilities settled their Mystical Cities, or mobile and flying crafts in hidden areas throughout the planet and other distant places.

For a period of time all such driven Ancient Pyramid Structures which had settled atop this planet remained visible to outside residence of this early evolving rock. Some were seen only temporarily as their gleaming structures and cities passed through visual view of Earth's reality. This is the era when there were Giants in the land, for their Structures were inded enormous.

As time past, each fallen Pyramid's contained Eye-let Fields of Accelerated Plasma Energy (which such Energy was referred to as the Spirit of MAN), and each their plasmatomic reactor core (which were referred to as the Flesh of MAN) ... Each these power Facilities had to under go a purging process ….. Such purging procedures caused a ‘Smelting Electric Furnace’ back-up of hot flowing minerals which filled every open area of the Pyramid's inner Structural Hollow Design.

A back-burst of extreem heat caused a Crystallizing of the Eye-let’s Field of accelerated energy …. such a mystic crystallizing gave shape to a center placed mold of the Pyramid’s inner Casing of it’s control modules. this crystallized mold was referred to as a Crystal Skull …

After purging and solidifying of minerals, the actual Structure of each Exotic Pyramid continuing in it's frequency de-acceleration, did vanish from view to set in what is referred to as the first level of the Eighth Universal Plane, which is below a Dividing Firmament of space and time. Some refer to this zone as the first level of Hell or purgatory.

As Exotic Structures of each Pyramid vanished from the surface of this planet, each left behind a ‘Molded Stone Image’ of the Pyramid Facility's inward Hollow Design … and also it left behind the ‘Global Eyelet‘s Crystallized Mold’ with it’s center placed Crystallized Skull’ … But these solidfied ‘Mystic Formations of the Skull’ and field of accelerated energy, would have been as the elements of a priceless jewel … For one such Crystallized Global Mold which had formed there inside the Pyramid's Eye-let, were in it's later discovery, referred to as the Mother Load of diamonds … One such molded image has been referred to as King Solomon’s Mine.

Before the falling from High Celestial Place, and before contamination of Accelerated Plasma Cores, and before the Crystallizing of Accelerated Plasma Energy … each Eyelet of Energy would periodically weep crystallized precious stones as such stones would seem to appear in mid air of the Field and drop as tears, to later flow as a river of precious stones … and later to be discovered inner mixed with solidified rock minerals.

I’m just an Old Soul passing through, given something important to say as the new UFO era now approaches …Nothing to sell … Nothing to Buy … just answers to the many of ’WHYs?’. …